中華聖母傳教中心將於2024年6月29至30日在風光明媚的 Mount St. Mary’s University, Emmitsburg, Maryland,舉行2024年家庭生活營。
Our Lady of China Pastoral Mission will hold the 2024 Family Life Camp on June 29-30, 2024 at beautiful Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, Maryland. We invited Fr. Joseph Bai to lead this year’s family life camp for us. The speeches and activities of the youth group and English group will be led by Fr. Thomas Au. Please reserve June 29th and 30th to actively participate. Attached is the tentative family life camp schedule.
日期與時間 (Time and Date):
六月二十九日(星期六)上午十時 (10 am, Saturday, June 29, 2024) 至
六月三十日(星期日)下午四時結束 (4 pm, Sunday, June 30, 2024)
地點 (Campsite):
Mount St. Mary’s University: 16300 Old Emmitsburg Rd, Emmitsburg, MD 21727
報名費 Camp Fees:
支票請寫給 (Please make checks payable to): “Our Lady of China Pastoral Mission”
費用包括兩天一夜住宿、四餐、場地使用與保險。 公寓式宿舍(每單位,二/三間寢室,廚,衛,可住四/六人)
Cost includes campus activity fee, room for 2 days and 1 night, 4 meals, and insurance coverage. Lodging will be in apartment style dormitories – each unit will accommodate 4 to 6 people with double or triple rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.
房間偏好 Room Preferences:
請具體說明您的青少年(7 至 12 年級)是否願意與其他青少年同住,或是否願意與父母/家人住在一起。
Please specify if your youth (7th - 12th grade), would like to room with other youth or if they prefer to stay with parents/family.
註: 報名費需要資助者,請連絡 阮明 神父 301-738-2459 戓 盧瑞平703-371-0474
Note: For financial aid, please contact Fr. Ruan 301-738-2459 or Mr. Ruey-Pyng Lu 703-371-0474.