Established in 1992, Kuang-Chi is dedicated to promote Chinese language and culture in the great Washington Metropolitan area. In order to serve the diverse communities in this area, we offer people who are interested in Chinese language and culture CSL (Chinese as Second Language) classes, besides Heritage-Mandarin Chinese classes. Students meet every Saturday from September to the end of May, the Chinese language classes for school age children (age 3 and up to high school age) and for adults are from 1:00 PM to 2:45 PM; the Chinese culture classes are from 2:55 PM to 3:45 PM.
Our school location is at St.Mary's School, Rockville, MD (600 Veirs Mill Rd., Rockville, MD 20852). Parents have the access to the gymnasium and cafeteria for exercise during the school hours. Kuang-Chi parents welcome each other and team up when they have free time for exercise, such as tennis, basketball, walking, etc. They are also actively involved in volunteering school activities and events, from the registration is online at, to the classroom rental management, tea and coffee service, cafeteria table arrangement, fund-raising events, and all the school celebration activities are all taken care of by the parents. Kuang-Chi parents create a care-free environment for all students to concentrate on learning Chinese; they also form the warm and family-like atmosphere for the others.
Kuang-Chi Chinese School is a non-profit organization founded in 1992. Its purpose is to promote Chinese education, carry forward Chinese culture, and provide a place for the next generation to learn Chinese culture. It not only strengthens students' listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities, but also teaches students to be disciplined, caring, and team-oriented, and cultivate students in love. In this environment, I am happy to learn Chinese.
Kuang-Chi teaching is a small class system, from three-year-old preschool to adult classes, divided into classes according to level. For Chinese students, we use Meizhou Chinese as the main teaching material, supplemented by auxiliary teaching materials provided by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Council and personally selected by professional teachers. It not only takes into account listening, speaking, reading and writing, but also uses practical and lively teaching methods to increase students' interest in learning Chinese, so that students can learn about traditional Chinese culture and values, and become proud of learning Chinese or being of Chinese descent.
Kuang-Chi's classes are held at St. Mary's School, Rockville MD (600 Veirs Mill Rd., Rockville, MD 20852). The school and classrooms are quiet and spacious. The school also provides parents with a cafeteria as a place for exercise, fitness and socializing. Although there are no regulations, Kuang-Chi parents are very enthusiastic and actively participate in and support school activities. From the registration procedures at the beginning of the semester, the management of the classroom space, the tea service for each class, the decoration of tables and chairs in the cafeteria, to the pre-planning of all activities, venue layout, post-event cleaning, and all fundraising activities. Carefully arranged by parents. The parents of Kuang-Chi have created a place for Kuang-Chi students to learn Chinese with peace of mind, and because of their enthusiastic and active participation and support, they have created a warm and friendly atmosphere for each other.
Kuang-Chi Chinese School was founded by the Chinese Catholic community (Our Lady of China Pastoral Mission) and continues to care and support it. Before Chinese language classes, we provide Catholic catechism classes for children and adults, as well as irregular spiritual lectures, so please take advantage of them.
Kuang-Chi Chinese School in Washington was established in March 1992 under the leadership of the Council of Our Lady of China Pastoral Mission Center in Washington. After its establishment, it rented the facilities for classroom. It currently uses St. Mary's School Rockville as a teaching venue from the Archdiocese of Washington. It uses Saturday classes to teach Chinese language and culture. It officially opened in September of 1992.
There were multiple purposes in founding of Kuang-Chi School. It is to promote Chinese education, carry forward Chinese culture, provide a place for the next generation to learn Chinese culture, further integrate Chinese education with religious teachings, and bear witness to our faith in life. We are named after Kuang-Chi. On the one hand, we promise to burn ourselves with candles and illuminate the seedlings. On the other hand, we commemorate Xu Kuang-Chi, a Catholic missionary in history in China who was influential and played a key role. The school policy of Kuang-Chi is determined by the board of directors, whose members are composed of church members, parents and people who are enthusiastic about school affairs. The first board of directors specially appointed Ms. Dong Boling as the principal to preside over school affairs, laying the foundation. The second principal was Ms. Dong Shengwan. With her efforts, Kuang-Chi’s Chinese teaching was recognized by the Montgomery County Education Bureau: any high school student in Montgomery County who learns Chinese at Kuang-Chi can have credits for extracurricular activities. Then Mr. Li Jizhong, Ms. Zhao Rong, Dr. Lu Ruiping, Ms. Cai Suzhen, Mr. Wang Chu, and Dr. Dai Jinsheng took over as principals successively; the current principal is Ms. Xu Cuilan.
Kuang-Chi currently offers language classes at different levels from preschool to 10th grade. In addition to traditional Chinese characters classes, Kuang-Chi also offers simplified Chinese characters classes, bilingual conversation classes focusing on listening and speaking, and adult conversation classes for American adults. Diverse community groups. In addition, Kuang-Chi also sets up catechism classes for children and adults to teach the children Catholic doctrine, which is also one of Kuang-Chi’s special features.
In addition to teaching Chinese internally, Kuang-Chi also actively participated in overseas Chinese circles and local celebrations. Since its establishment, teachers, students, and parents of Kuang-Chi have participated in the Double Ten Parade in Washington’s Chinatown, participated in the Memorial Day Parade hosted by the Montgomery County Government, and stepped into the community dressed up with dragon dances, lion dances, floats, and classical Chinese costumes. In 1993 and 1994, Kuang-Chi was invited to participate in the Cherry Blossom Festival Parade in Washington and the Independence Day Parade in the United States. We danced the 100-foot golden dragon hidden in Chinatown on Constitution Avenue, bringing Chinese celebrations into the American mainstream. Kuang-Chi has been invited to host performances in various libraries, including lion dance, Chinese Yoyo, Tai Chi, folk dance, explanation of New Year customs, paper cutting, calligraphy, pottery, etc., which have been well received. In the inheritance of Chinese culture in the Greater Washington area, Kuang-Chi Chinese School has always played an active and steady role. Chinese and American people who are interested in this are welcome to actively participate. Today there are many non-Catholic families in Kuang-Chi. Whether Catholic or not, Kuang-Chi is happy to help children grow together in the small family of this Chinese school.
Welcome to Kuang Chi Chinese School!
光啟教學是小班制,自三歲學齡前班到成人班,依程度分班。針對華裔學生 我們採用美洲華語為主要教材,輔以僑委會提供以及專業老師們親自編選的輔助教材。不但聽說讀寫兼顧,並以實用活潑的教學方式提高學生對學習中文的興趣,讓學生從認識中國傳統文化及價值,到以學習中文或是身為華裔為榮。
光啟上課地點在St.Mary's School,Rockville MD (600 Veirs Mill Rd., Rockville, MD 20852) 校園及教室新潁寬敞,本校並為家長提供餐廳做為運動健身及社交的場所。雖然沒有任何規定, 光啟家長們對學校的活動非常熱心積極的參與及支持。從開學時的註冊辦理手續,教室場地的管理,及每次上課的茶水服務,餐廳桌椅擺設,到所有的活動事前企劃,場地布置,事後的打掃整理,及所有的募款活動,都是由家長們精心安排。光啟家長們為光啟的學生們打造了一個安心學習中文的場所,也因為熱心積極的參與及支持,為彼此營建了溫馨親切的氣氛。
光啟中文學校由華人天主教團體 (中華聖母傳教中心) 所創立,並持續照顧支持著。在上課期間內,提供兒童及成人天主教道理班,及不定期的靈修講座,請多多利用。
華府光啟中文學校是在天主教華府中華聖母傳教中心議會主導下,成立於一九九二年 三月。成立後,即向馬里蘭州蒙哥馬利郡教育局國際文化,目前租用聖瑪利堂學(St.Mary's School) 的教室作為教學場地,利用星期六上課,教授中國語言及中國文化, 九月正式開課。
光啟創校的宗旨是多重的,為推廣中文教育,發揚中華文化,為下一代提供一個學習中華文化的場所,更進一步將中文教育與宗教教義融合,為我們的信仰作出生活的見證。我們以光啟命名,一方面是自許以蠟燭燃燒自己,照亮幼苗,一方面是紀念歷史上中國一位天主教傳教士明朝大學士徐光啟,他對天主教在中國的發展及西方文化對中國影響,扮演著關鍵性角色。 光啟由董事會決定學校方針,董事成員由教友、家長 及對校務熱心人士組成。第一屆董事會特聘董伯玲女士擔任校長主持校務, 奠定基礎。第二任校長是董聖婉女士,在她的努力下,光啟的中文教學得到 蒙郡教育局的認可:凡蒙郡高中生在光啟學習中文者,其所學可抵課外活動學分。接著由李濟中先生,趙蓉女士,盧瑞平博士,蔡素珍女士,王楚先生,戴金生博士次第接任校長;現任校長為許翠蘭女士。
光啟除了對內教授中文之外,對外也積極參加僑界及地方慶典活動。自從成立以來,光啟的師生家長參加華府中國城雙十節遊行,積極參與蒙郡政府主持的國殤日遊行,並以舞龍、舞獅 、花車、中國古典服飾裝扮踏入社區。在一九九三及一九九四年,光啟曾受邀參加美國華府櫻花節遊行及美國獨立日遊行,將藏於中國城內的百尺大金龍舞上憲法大道,將中國人的慶典文化帶入美國主流。近幾年來,每年中國新年,光啟都應邀在各圖書館主持表演,包括舞獅,扯鈴,太極拳,民族舞蹈,新年習俗解說,剪紙,書法,陶藝等,頗獲好評。在大華府地區中華文化的傳承中,光啟中文 學校一直扮演著積極而穩健的角色,歡迎有志於此的華美人士踴躍參與。 現今光啟也有許多非天主教家庭。 無論是否天主教徒,光啟都很樂意幫助孩子們在這個華文學校的小家庭中,共同成長。