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Bulletins 堂區通訊
Faith Formation 信仰培育
RCIA 成人慕道班
Religious Education 宗教教育
Registration 註冊
Youth Group 青年會
Family Camp 家庭生活營
Kuang Chi 光啟中文學校
About Us 關於我們
Program 課程
Student's Corner 學生作品
Links 相關網站
Contact School 聯絡學校
光啟Registration 學年度報名表
Links 相關網站
The Holy See 教廷
US Conference of Catholic
Bishop 美國天主教主教團
Archdiocese of Washington
Taiwan Bishops' Conference
Diocese of Hong Kong
Chinese Mass in US and Canada 美加天主堂主日中文彌撒
Bible Reading Promotion Center 方濟會思高讀經推廣中心
Additional Links 其它網站
Home 首頁
About Us 關於我們
Mass Times 彌撒時間
Maps 地圖
Clergy 神職人員
Cardinal's Award 樞機主教獎
Contact Us 聯絡我們
Donate 奉獻
Bulletins 堂區通訊
Faith Formation 信仰培育
RCIA 成人慕道班
Religious Education 宗教教育
Youth Group 青年會
Family Camp 家庭生活營
Kuang Chi 光啟中文學校
About Us 關於我們
Program 課程
Student's Corner 學生作品
Links 相關網站
Contact School 聯絡學校
光啟Registration 學年度報名表
Links 相關網站
The Holy See 教廷
US Conference of Catholic
Bishop 美國天主教主教團
Archdiocese of Washington
Taiwan Bishops' Conference
Diocese of Hong Kong
Chinese Mass in US and Canada 美加天主堂主日中文彌撒
Bible Reading Promotion Center 方濟會思高讀經推廣中心
Additional Links 其它網站
Religious EDUCATION 兒童宗教教理
Registration 註冊
Faith Formation 信仰培育
RCIA 成人慕道班
Religious Education 宗教教育
Registration 註冊
Youth Group 青年會
Family Camp 家庭生活營
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Religious Education (RE) for Children will be delivered in in-person formats for the 2024-2025 school year。兒童宗教教理 (RE) 將在 2024-2025 學年以實體課形式。
Note the in-person classes will now be held on Saturdays at
St. Mary's School in Rockville
and preceeding Kuang-Chi Chinese School language classes. We will also follow the Kuang-Chi school calendar.
Religious Education Classes start on 2nd week of Chinese school, on Saturday, September 14, 2024.
課程於中文學校第二週 2024 年 9 月 14 日星期六開始宗教教理課。
Religious Education Classes will be $120 per student to cover the cost of rentals, books, materials, stipends and other costs. Please make checks payable to: "Our Lady of China". Please turn in payment and
permission slip
on first day of classes.
主日學課程的費用為 $120 美元每位學生,以支付租金、書籍、材料、津貼和其他費用。支票抬頭請寫:“Our Lady of China”。請在開課第一天上交付款和許可單。
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Patrick Cheng
[email protected]
/ (703) 869-5731 or Text Hua Tang at (202) 730-6667/
[email protected]
如果您有任何問題,請隨時聯繫 【英文】Patrick Cheng
[email protected]
/ (703) 869-5731 或 【中文】短信聯繫 Hua Tang 鄧王雲華 (202) 730-6667/
[email protected]
Student Information 學生質料
First Name
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Last Name
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Birthdate 生日
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Please enter a date.
Fall American Grade Level 秋季美國學校年級
(Select One)
Pre-K 幼兒園前
Kindergarten 幼兒園
1st Grade 一年級
2nd Grade 二年級
3rd Grade 三年級
4th Grade 四年級
5th Grade 五年級
6th Grade 六年級
7th Grade 七年級
8th Grade 八年級
High School 高中生
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,Religious Education Class 兒童宗教教理課
Pre-K/K Grade: Saturdays 星期六下午 12:00 - 12:55pm at St. Mary's in Rockville 洛城聖瑪利學校 [Teacher 老師: TBD if needed] - $120
1st Grade: Saturdays 星期六下午 12:00 - 12:55pm at St. Mary's in Rockville 洛城聖瑪利學校 [Teacher 老師: Sophia Yang] - $120
2nd Grade - First Holy Communion: Saturdays 星期六下午 12:00 - 12:55pm at St. Mary's in Rockville 洛城聖瑪利學校 [Teacher 老師: Mrs. Roberta] - $120
3rd Grade : Saturdays 星期六下午 12:00 - 12:55pm at St. Mary's in Rockville 洛城聖瑪利學校 [Teacher 老師: Susie Blasic] - $120
5th Grade (五年級): Saturdays 星期六下午 12:00pm - 12:55pm at St. Mary's in Rockville 洛城聖瑪利學校 [Teacher 老師: Mrs. Regina Blasic] $120
6th Grade (六年級): Saturdays 星期六下午 12:00 - 12:55pm at St. Mary's in Rockville 洛城聖瑪利學校 [Teacher 老師: Ching Ng] - $120
7th Grade (八年級) Confirmation 堅振班 12:00 - 12:55 [Teacher 老師: Rick Ruzicka] - $120
Post Confirmation (堅振之後班):Format online or in-person, 1st Sunday Each month In-Person DC Church, Sunday 星期日上午 10:15 - 11:15am Teacher 老師 - IVE Brothers 修士 -- $100
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Sacraments Received 領受的聖禮
Baptism 領洗
First Communion 聖體
Confirmation 堅振
None 沒有
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Contact Information 聯繫信息
Primary Phone Number 主要聯繫電話號碼
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Father 家長: 父
First Name
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Last Name
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Willing to Volunteer:
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Phone Number
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Mother 家長: 母
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Phone Number
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Willing to Volunteer/Help:
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Permission 允許
Emergency Contact 緊急聯絡人
I, hereby give permission for my child to attend classes via Our Lady of China Pastoral Mission. 本人特此允許我的孩子參加中華聖母傳教中心宗教教理課程。
Please include parent/guardian name as esignature:
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